Tuesday, August 4, 2009


I don't know why, but I wanted to model and texture some junk any mindless wannabe could do (and still I screw it up). I'm having fun with the new renderer I'm trying out.. I'm sick of dealing with Maya. I can't figure out why there seems to be a light under that drawer thing, though..


Dustin DeWitt said...

looks good, what are you rendering with now

Nevah said...

Right now, I'm playing around with Holomatix Rendition... I LOVE it because it has an interactive render, where you can twist and turn around your objects and it insta-renders your scene. One issue I was annoyed with after a closer look, though, was that it seems to be glitchy about textures, and cast shadows. Like in this image I posted for example... the little vases I placed on the Night table, have absolutely no shadows being cast on it. In Maya, you can see their cast shadows perfectly!

My biggest issue with maya is that alpha channels just don't seem to render properly when you have a bump map assigned to the object. I don't get it. I'm moving on to Renderman for maya 2009 and trying to see how much better that is.